Sunday, February 16, 2014

Almost 3 years...What!

 So, I have missed out blogging the last two and a half years and with a baby coming, I want to get better.  My sisters are such good examples of good bloggers and keep telling me treat this as your journal. Here goes nothing!

Catch up time:

  Zach and I have moved 4 times since starting out in Orem. We have moved so much these few years for better jobs and school for Zach. First, to Sandy where Zach got a job at the yummy Chipotle and I was still working for Central Utah Clinic in Provo. Then, Zach got a job at Sunflower-  which is a natural food store like Trader Joe's. I had gotten a job at an insurance company,that I hated, but was closer to home.

  During this time we decided to start looking for a home. We went with a guy from our ward who was a realtor. Big mistake! We basically did his job for him by looking for places and figuring out what was needed. He set us up with a mortgage lender who screwed us over with false hope that we were approved for a loan when we were not. It was a mess and we missed out on about three different homes. But now that we look back at all we experienced and learned,it was worth it in the end.
Zach got a job as a driver for Wasatch Meats and was taking classes at Salt Lake Community College. I had gotten an awesome job at Intermountain Healthcare which happened to be right down the street from the town homes we had tried to get. Zach and I had to move in with the Olsen's-awesome friends we met in our Sandy ward-because our lease had expired and we thought we would be moving into a house. When that fell through we got an apartment at River Oaks in West Jordan. That apartment was my favorite one of them all because it was so clean and quiet. Although, Zach's bike was stolen off of the balcony while we were at Lake Tahoe last year:(
We loved our life in Salt Lake with our two awesome jobs but it was around August or so that we discovered we were expecting. Yes, baby boy is expected to arrive April 20th. It was decided then that we needed to move back home to Colorado or Idaho. It would be easier for Zach to finish school and both places were cheaper than Utah. Zach got excepted to BYU-I in October, we moved up here in November and started school in January. It feels unreal to be back up here but we are taking one day at a time:)


  1. Yea for your blog! I'm so glad that you are back blogging again! I can't believe you only have a couple of months left until your baby boy is here! How exciting!

  2. Yea! I'm so happy that you are back to blogging:) Good for you!! I can't believe how crazy the last few years have been for you! I'm so excited for all that will be happening soon for you! Did you realize that in the snowing picture that its showing snow actually falling?? aw!!! I miss seeing the beautiful snow! That's such a cool pic! Now I just need to see a full body pic of your beautiful self and I will be truly happy!! Stay warm!!
